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Photo by Dr. Kuan-Chi Wang



In-Depth Reflection upon Border-Crossing: 

Past, Present and Future

會議主題 Theme



在跨界的類別上我們可以勾勒出:1. 物界(可見與不可見):如動植物、商品、疾病、污染;2. 組織機構:如國際組織、國家、財團、學術、宗教、醫療、公民團體等機構;3. 文化習作:如學科領域、性別角色;4. 其他行動現象:如人的遷移(因政治迫害、經濟勞動、婚姻、宗教傳播等等)、犯罪。而這些類別又彼此交錯,不斷產生“friction” (摩擦/分歧)作用力,例如近年來中國的一帶一路政策,它是國家力量的支配和滲透,同時也帶動財團組織的跨國投資、人口的遷移、生態的改變等現象;緬甸的Rohingya(羅興亞)議題,牽涉國家族群政治的操弄、宗教的衝突、國際組織的介入等;台灣同性婚姻的合法化,經歷不同公民組織的對抗、國家法治力量的詮釋與政策制定、以及這個法案對亞洲其他國家、民間團體的衝擊影響等。這些錯綜複雜的因素與效應再再挑戰既有的學術概念、理論與範疇,驅使我們對照比較東南亞的過去與現在,並想像未來的可能。



We are very pleased to announce that the Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (CAPAS), RCHSS, Academia Sinica is hosting the 2020 Annual Conference on Taiwan’s Southeast Asian Studies. When hosting the same conference in 2014, we used “trans-border circulation” as the conference theme, stressing the longue durée of Southeast Asian history characterized by hybridity, fluidity and creativity. For the 2020 conference six years later, CAPAS is calling for papers that broadly address a similar theme of “in-depth reflection upon border-crossing,” considering the theme’s embracing capacity and connectivity that can highlight the area’s manifold phenomena. Moreover, it alludes to the current situation whirling in an ongoing process of change and transition, which is powerfully affecting every domain of lives, human and non-human worldwide, with unprecedented speed. Under the veneer of innovative technology, multi-national exchanges and negotiations and active civil movements, we are mired in deep crises and anxiety. This has compelled us, the academics, to look into the intricate course of multitudinous, intersecting causes and effects and perplexing power relations, in the hope of coming up with thoughtful reflections and good theories.

In the face of accelerating disparities and unevenness in the development of global capitalism, we are witnessing and experiencing numerous acts and counter-acts pertaining to all kinds of border-crossing—not only at the borderline separating two sovereign entities, but also through a wide range of socio-economic and ecological practices and decisions that occur in multiple locations within and beyond the sovereign territories. The world is congested with “frictions.” For the conference we encourage diverse exploration on issues relating to trans-border movement of “things” (human and non-human), institutions, cultural habitus, and other types of phenomena.

We look forward to your participation.

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